rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Clock Night

My computer went sluggy on me again this evening. I hope this isn't going to be a nightly event. Fortunately there was stuff worth watching on television, and now that there's a break in that, the computer has started semi-working again. Good timing.

The day was a bit warmer than predicted, but I was still able to have the windows open for only about an hour and a half. The thin clouds that arrived this afternoon have thickened, and I'm not seeing many stars. It now seems possible that there will be some rain tonight after all, but it will probably be done by the time I go shopping tomorrow. I'll also have to go to the laundromat, as my washing machine still hasn't been repaired. All this on a day when the sun will be setting an hour earlier.

Oh, and Tuesday the AT&T guy is supposed to be here, but I also have an appointment with the chiropractor, which means I have to arrange for somebody to be here that afternoon if the AT&T guy doesn't get here and done with whatever he has to do early enough. Two busy days in one week. I rarely get this much excitement crammed into so short a time.

Even though I didn't get up very early today I'm feeling a bit groggy. I should go change my non-automatic clocks now, so I don't forget, just in case I fall asleep watching television again. And one of the stores has butter on sale tomorrow, so I can afford to use some of what I've got left on popcorn. It's a good night for popcorn, if I can stay awake long enough to make it.

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