rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


The approaching storm has provided us with a splendid day. The sky is mostly cloudy, but the sun breaks through now and then to brighten the turning leaves that dance in the stiff breezes. The sky is not yet the uniform gray that is likely to prevail once the rain arrives, but richly variegated, with darker and lighter banks of thick clouds, patches of thin clouds that reveal a dimmed sun, and clusters of small clouds that rush along with the blue sky beyond them.

Once in a while the edges of some cloud bank will blaze out white as a nearby open area allows the full sunlight to reach it. All the time the fluttering leaves are singing, and the swift air smells of pine and the nearing rain that soon will fall. Birds are singing ecstatically. They sound as delighted as I feel.

I'm going back outside now to watch it some more.

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