rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

The Aging of Spring

What with the heat of the last few days, the lupines have faded fast. There's hardly a single blossom left, and most of the stalks are dried and yellowed. Although the jasmine blossoms are still plentiful, event here the heat has begun the process of decay, and several of the clusters of white flowers have turned brown. The oleander bushes, under-watered as usual, have managed to put out a handful of white flowers, while the hardy lamb's ear volunteers are still sporting their vivid magenta blossoms.

The trumpet vine has yet to bloom. One clump of Shasta daisies has come and gone, while the other is just beginning to bud. The salmon colored azalea produced a few flowers but appears to have given up on making any more. Several rose buds have appeared, and will be a decent second crop for the year, but will be only about half the size of the first crop. The lawns are losing their green rapidly, but have sprouted an abundance of dandelions. Yesterday they were a mass of tiny yellow flowers and today they are a mass of seed heads about to unleash themselves on the neighbors' lawns. I should probably hide for a few days. Well, it's going to start getting hotter again, so hiding is in the cards anyway.

It's about time to open the windows. All day I've had them closed and the drapes drawn over them, but it's about the same temperature outside that is is in the house now, so I can let some fresh air in. I was going to do some watering, but this is an odd-numbered day so I can't. Tomorrow, then, if I remember. At least we've gotten to the point where there's plenty of daylight after eight o'clock (when watering hours begin per the drought regulations.) I do enjoy watering in the evening, watching the night arrive to the sound of sprinkling. Tonight I'll just have to make do with the sound of ice clinking in my lemonade glass.

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