Right now the air smells very strongly of pine. Usually a rain will intensify the fragrance of the grass, but for some reason today it's the pines that are dominating. It's actually quite pleasant out, and I intend to spend much of the evening outdoors— though I'll h ave to wear something warm, as the day never reached seventy degrees and the night is expected to drop down into the low fifties. I'm taking advantage of the chill to bake some potatoes, and they will be ready very soon. Baked potato season has already been extended beyond what I'd expected, but my luck won't hold out forever. Soon I'll be back to frying them.
Oh, and I keep forgetting to mention that the lupines have been blooming for about a week now. The patch has spread over a larger area this year, but it's not as dense as it has been in the past. I suppose eventually the lupines will vanish, just as the poppies did after a few years. Wildflowers have their own agenda, I guess.