However, while the yard was nice and wet today thanks to a decent amount of rain, it's going to be terribly dry this summer, and I'll have to use the irrigation water sparingly, so I wouldn't want to be that frog once the rainy season ends. I don't see it surviving the summer if it hasn't found some wetter place to live by then. If water were still cheap and plentiful I wouldn't mind keeping part of the yard wet for it, but those conditions no longer obtain here. Water was cheap and plentiful in the neighborhood of suburban Los Angeles where I grew up, and more than once I had a frog or two living in my back yard there. I provided them with extra water, but then my parents were paying for it. Had I had to buy it out of my allowance the frog probably would have died. I mean I liked frogs, but not enough to give up the other stuff I bought when I was a kid.
The rain has not been too vigorous today, and I hope it isn't tomorrow, as I've arranged to go shopping then instead of Sunday. Sunday is now expected to have some torrential rains, and I'd rather not get caught in them. If I get caught in a torrential rain tomorrow and then none occur Sunday afternoon I'll be kicking myself Sunday evening, but at least I'll be kicking myself with dry shoes on.
I've got a frozen lasagna to bake for dinner, and (though I haven't checked the guide yet) I believe there will be English people murdering one another on PBS tonight. Italian food, and English characters getting croaked! A perfect Thursday evening!