I posted no entry yesterday because the computer slowed to a crawl again and I ran out of time. It's been getting slow more and more often in recent weeks. I don't know if it's just the machine's age or if it's AT&T's service deteriorating, or a combination of the two. The connection hasn't failed completely for several days now, but that doesn't mean there isn't still trouble with the telephone lines. The service always slows down when the weather gets damp, so the constant mist might have had something to do with it.
It doesn't seem to be quite as cold tonight as it was the previous night. The partial cloudiness might be helping a bit. The string of storms that are supposed to come this week should all be only moderately cold, but a week from today there is a 60% chance of snow. That will be Christmas Day, of course. In all the years I've lived here I don't recall it ever having snowed on Christmas. On the 26th and 27th sunshine is predicted, so if we do get a Christmas snow it will probably get melted away pretty fast. Good thing, too, because I've still got lots of leaves to rake up, and I'm hoping they get a chance to dry out a bit before I have to get them into the bins. I hate handling wet leaves.
The rain still hasn't started, I haven't been to sleep yet, either, so maybe it's a good thing I won't be going shopping. I probably won't wake up until late afternoon. By then everything should be getting soaked. If I have Internet maybe I'll post something again then.