This afternoon I manage to get to the store that was out of stuff Friday and get some of the stuff I wanted, but they are still out of the rest of it. Annoying. I also went to K-mart, which for some reason has been pelting me with bonus points that I can use for discounts. Over the last couple of months I've gotten something like fifty bucks off of various items, some of which were already on sale. Today I got a package to seven t-shirts for less than half price. Now they've given me a coupon that gives me ten dollars worth of bonus points on a ten dollar purchase, though I have to use it by the 18th. I might drop in Friday to see if they've got anything I need, if there's time.
The temperature is dropping rapidly this evening. It already smells like rain outside, though none has begun to fall. It was pretty much overcast all day, and I doubt I'll be seeing any stars tonight. Not unless I get hit on the head like a cartoon character, but that's something I intend to avoid, if at all possible. I hate when I end up in a cartoon.
Baked potatoes almost ready. Time to see what's on television.