rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


A nice overcast appeared not long after sunrise today, and it stuck around all day. There was even a bit of rain about four o'clock this afternoon, though it was only enough to make things smell good, not enough to get anything really wet. The clouds then began to break up, but they had kept the place fairly cool (well, 83 degrees, which is way cooler than it has been lately) all day, so it should be a comfortable night. I haven't had to use either the air conditioner or the fan all day. It's supposed to warm up again tomorrow, but the nights are expected to stay cool for the next week. I can live with the hot days as long as it cools off at night.

Butch/Sluggo is still being obnoxious. I'm not sure what's gotten into him, other than old age. Age is certainly making me cranky, and I guess there's no reason to expect a computer to be any different. However, his crankiness made me miss my chance for a nap today, and that is making me even crankier than usual. I wish there were some kids on my lawn so I could yell at them to get off of it. If I yell at Butch/Sluggo he ignores me, and that isn't very satisfying. I don't want to yell at Portia or the feral cats, as they've done nothing wrong. That leaves just me to yell at, and I'm the victim here. Maybe I should watch the news on television. It would almost certainly provide me with something to yell at, but then it would ignore me just like Butch does. I'm cursed, I tell you!

As it's going to be cool tonight I'm considering cooking something in the oven. I'm not sure what I have, though. I wasn't expecting a really cool night after an unseasonably cool day, so I didn't stock up on oven-based foods. There might be a couple of frozen dinners left in the freezer from last winter. I'll have to check. I should do it fairly soon, though. Missing that nap has left me sleepy. I'd hate to fall asleep with something cooking in the oven. It could burn, and then I'd be stuck with the smell for days, and a terrible job of oven cleaning.

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