Because I didn't go to the chiropractor today I'll have to try to get to the store tomorrow to pick up the things I didn't get Sunday. I'm in dire need of a loaf of bread, as there is cheese that is just aching to be grilled. Maybe I will pick up some lemonade as well, as the warm weather coming up could be the last of the year. Last October was fairly mild, but then November turned icy. An autumn that chills gradually is more enjoyable to me, and that's what I'd like to have this year. It's better to ease into winter than to have it suddenly splashed on you like cold gutter water sent flying by a speeding car. In short, winter should not be a total dick, and fall should not be a subservient asshole who goes along with his tricks.
But then I don't get to make the weather, so whatever comes along is what I'll deal with. Tonight autumn is being pretty nice. Now that the neighbor has put away his mower and its fumes have dissipated, the air is scented with fresh grass. It makes an odd combination with the smell of the dry grass in my own yard and the dead leaves lying about, but there is something refreshing about it. It's cool enough to for me to wear a sweater when I go out, but not chilly enough to make my ears cold. That's just about a perfect night to watch the shadows change as the pale moonlight creeps across the yard.