The weather got pretty hot today, and I'm glad I didn't have to go anywhere, especially down to the valley. It also got pretty boring today, and I'll be glad to get a replacement for my dead cable box tomorrow (assuming that it happens. It depends on transportation being available. No way am I paying Comcast an enormous service charge for a house call if I can avoid it.) Still, I haven't missed the television quite as much as I'd expected I would. It's been nice to sit and read, though holding the books has caused my hand to get cramps a few times. I'm just not used to holding books open anymore.
I'm still hoping we'll get some rain this month, though so far none is predicted. There have been rainy Septembers here in the past, so it's not unprecedented. It doesn't have to be a whole lot of rain— just a couple of drizzly days would be fine, and a misty night or two would not be unwelcome. If anybody reading has any pull with Poseidon, put in a word for us.