rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


The sky did finally begin to clear last night, and by midnight I could see a few stars through the thinning clouds. By 12:30 it was mostly clear, and I watched for more than half an hour but saw no meteors. Apparently nobody saw more than a few at most. I feel better about having missed so much of it now that I know it didn't amount to much anyway. There could still be an outburst at some point tonight, but I've seen nothing so far. I probably won't spend much time outside tonight, as I got no nap again today and I expect to fall asleep pretty early. Maybe the October Camelopardalids will be better, but it's apt to be too cold to stay out long by then.

The windows will have to be open all night again tonight. That means that early morning noises will probably wake me up again, and I'll spend another day with too little sleep. It's going to be hot when I go out shopping tomorrow, and hot all next week. We're still almost a month away from the summer solstice. More disturbing, I've been smelling smoke this evening, though I haven't yet heard any reports of brush fires in the area. About the only thing that's certain is that if there is a brush fire it wasn't caused by a camelopardalid meteorite.

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