The lacy patterns of the bare oak twigs and branches are clearly visible against the bright glow of the sky. They won't be bare much longer. The trees are already putting out buds. Unless it turns much colder again, there should be a crop of leaves by early March. If it does turn cold, the leaves could be damaged. If that happens, then I suspect we'll sorely miss the missing leaves next summer, which is more likely than not to be torrid.
So far, February has brought more than two thirds of the rain that has fallen since the beginning of July (the season is measured from July 1 to June 30.) The recent storm put about ten inches on the town in just a few days. The storms coming up are not apt to be anywhere near as intense, but with luck we could get another three or four inches this month. It won't end the drought, but at least the landscape will be lush and green for a few weeks.
The neck adjustment has left me tired, and I expect that I'll fall asleep in front of the television again tonight. I might as well go and see of that will happen now.