rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


It turned out to be warmer than expected today, though not quite balmy. I still was able to keep the windows open for three hours. Lovely cirrus clouds began forming about noon, and by three o'clock they had thickened enough that the sun cast only fuzzy shadows. That's when the air began to chill, so I closed the windows and went out to rake the walnut leaves from the back lawn. My reward was three more walnuts.

If I ever get around to raking beyond the jasmine hedge, I might find a few more. That probably won't be soon, though, as there is rain predicted tomorrow. Besides, one of my yard waste wheelie bins is now full, and the yard beyond the jasmine has enough leaves to stuff at least three more bins. I might just let them rot all winter, as I did last year, then clean up whatever hasn't degraded into mulch or compost come spring.

The clouds brought a lurid sunset, with one of those glowing red-orange skies that makes me think a volcano might have exploded somewhere. It also made me crave persimmons, which are not yet available. Something to look forward to, though, as winter approaches and the nights grow colder: sweet, fragrant, mushy fruit that puts a sweater on your tongue. They go well with walnuts, too.

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