rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


We've been getting the smell of smoke from a couple of fires up in the mountains for the last couple of days. It only shows up from the early morning hours until about noon, but it's still annoying. So far this has not been a very bad summer for smoke, but there have been better summers as well as worse. I'm glad that July is ending, though. August is usually hotter, but September is usually much cooler. We might even get lucky and have the early rains that September sometimes brings. A rainy autumnal equinox would be a delight.

Today was a head-yanking day. That made two in July. It's kind of like a blue moon, only it's an appointment with a chiropractor and nobody will write a song about it. Well, maybe Weird Al would write a song about it, but probably nobody else— not even me, even though it appears to have rid me of the crick I've had in my neck for the last week. That could be something to sing about, but not something to compose about. If I got rid of the neck problems for good, well, then I'd be happy to write a song for whatever brought it about.

It got cool enough early this morning that I was able to bake a batch of brownies without fear of overheating the house. Now it's time for midsummer brownies and icy chocolate milk with a scoop of vanilla ice cream in it. That's compensation for having endured another day of temperatures in the 90s. Portia will get her milk without chocolate, but she'll be happy enough. So will I.

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