In fact the whole front yard looks pretty bad whether the lawn is green or not. It just wasn't done right to begin with. I lack not only the cash but the energy to renovate it, though, so the neighbors are stuck with the ugly until I get around to selling the place. Still, I celebrated the low bill by thoroughly soaking the whole front yard this evening. It smells nice through the open window.
Timmy the feral cat left bird feathers scattered about the garage today. At least this one was not a woodpecker. It was something smaller and greyish brown. I suspect that it was the unwise bird I saw pecking alongside the driveway yesterday evening while the cat watched from nearby. It looked like easy prey. At least Timmy didn't leave any guts on the patch of carpet in front of the washer and drier, which Sunni sometimes used to do.
I didn't get around to raking the leaves in the back yard yet, and the days are going to be heating up again. There's nothing as bad as last week in sight so far, but August is yet to come. Now that the days are a bit milder I've been able to actually enjoy lying on the chaise and watching the sunlight flicker on the leaves. I don't know if its because I need new glasses or not, but all afternoon the oaks look like they are filled with fairy lights that twinkle when the breezes shift the leaves. It lends a festive air to the neighborhood that I find quite engaging. It also gives me an urge to drink more beer, but I've confined myself to carrot juice or sparkling sweet cider so far. Much more appropriate in afternoon, as it doesn't make me nap.
Now for a very late dinner, long delayed by the extra time I spent watering. I hope I don't nod off before finishing it.