And summer itself starts tomorrow. There will be only two second more of daylight than there were today, though, and the temperature will be about the same, so it won't really be noticeable. Solstice is sort of anticlimactic anyway, when you've already had so much heat. The weekend is supposed to be quite cool, so the beginning of summer is going to feel like spring. It's about time.
My sleep was severely disrupted today. I was awake most of the morning, and ended up napping most of the afternoon, waking up only after seven o'clock. I still haven't had dinner. I have to be awake at least four hours before I can look at any sort of large meal. As it's so late, and the night is cooling fairly rapidly, I might actually have something baked tonight. The extra heat from the oven will leave the house quickly enough. I'll probably even be able to close the windows before dawn. Dinner at eleven o'clock and windows closed by five in the morning will be a fitting farewell to spring.