rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


Last night I saw a gray and white cat on the back porch, and I'm pretty sure it was Tommy Two-tone. He hasn't been around for almost a year, and I was sure he was dead. If it wasn't him, it might have been a very close relative, but it sure looked like him. Tommy was probably the father of at least two of the feral kittens. He's probably coming back to tag them. He had no luck last night, though, as the black cat was on the porch, too, and when I opened the door they both ran off, but a few minutes later I heard them yowling at each other in the neighboring yard. Tommy is pretty old to be fighting, and I think he backed off, as I heard no fight, and a bit later the black cat was back and I haven't seen Tommy again.

Anyway. My neck is giving me a bad time, as is my left shoulder. They've both apparently slipped into a bad position. I have an appointment with the chiropractor next Tuesday, and it won't be a minute too soon. Sitting at the keyboard for any length of time is painful, so I probably won't be here much until after I get my head yanked. In the meantime I'll probably end up watching a lot of television from the comfy chair. If I put a pillow behind my head just right, I can keep my neck still enough that it doesn't try to kill me. I'll have to avoid comedy, though. It hurts when I laugh. No, seriously.

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