rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


It's a certainty that I'll be getting rain for my birthday. It hasn't started yet, but ought to be here soon. Once it starts, it could be raining off and on for the next week. We could get the whole month's allotment of rain in one long series of storms. The cats are going to get sick of it. I'll probably get sick of it myself after a couple of days. It's better than total drought, though.

My Internet sometimes goes away when the wires get wet, and even if it doesn't go away it usually gets very slow, so I might not be around much for a while. Not that I'm all that here when I'm here, but now I'll probably be here less and even less here than usual. Rain is so distracting.

I'll also be likely to get wet when I go shopping this week, unless I'm lucky enough to catch a break in the storm Sunday afternoon. I just hope the electricity stays on the whole time, so I can at least have television if the Internets go away.

I think I just heard a cat going over the fence into my back yard. It's getting close to feeding time, so it's probably either Farah or the black kitty. I'll go feed them before the rain starts. Come to think of it, I could use a snack myself. It's a good night for oatmeal. Oatmeal is cheaper than setting the thermostat higher.

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