It turns out you can still order some varieties of Stella D'oro cookies on the Internets, but the pfeffernüsse are not among them. They do have anisette toast available, but the best price I can find (and this before shipping costs are added) is $33.98 for a bit over two pounds. I like the cookies, but when they're more expensive than prime rib I'm just saying no thanks. Cookies shouldn't cost more per pound than top sirloin, or maybe a New York strip steak if they're really good cookies.
In lieu of cookies, I've got brownies. I put walnuts and chocolate chips in them, so they are extra fancy this time. Had I thought of it, I could have put some chopped dates in them as well. I've always hated raisins and most other dried fruits in baked goods, but chopped dates don't offend me. The texture of cooked dates doesn't fight with the surrounding product the way raisins do. Still even with dates the brownies just wouldn't be the same as pfeffernüsse cookies. It never seems quite like Solstice without them.