This hot spell will probably be the last straw for the front lawn, meaning that it will at last become entirely the color of straw, with no trace of green remaining. It won't be that big a difference. The small amount of green it still sports is mostly confined to small patches of bunch grass of indeterminate origin. This species was not part of the original lawn, so it must be an invader, but it has proven to be hardier than the lawn grass. Maybe it will eventually take over completely.
There's also a small patch of what I suspect might be some variety of cordgrass, right near the front porch, which has managed to stay green by capturing a bit of the water I put on the adjacent flower bed. Aside from those few patches, the front yard already looks like a worn out mat with a few bushes growing out of it. Sad.
The heat has put me into slower motion than ever. I've gotten next to nothing done today, and I don't feel much like doing anything now— not even cooking dinner. I'd make a simple grilled cheese sandwich, but I'm out of cheese. I'll probably end up just boiling some pasta and heating some sauce from a jar and tossing in those leftover mushrooms that are about to go inedible. There's stale bread that would make good garlic toast, but I don't want to turn on the oven long enough to make that.
At least I'm not running out of beer yet.