rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

More of the Usual

This might be a record for forgetting to post an entry after it's been written. It was completed by six o'clock yesterday evening. Then I got distracted. almost eleven hours. Well, better late etc.

Heh. There's a Flickr group called Lapsed Catholics. Internets!

The recent rains (and intermittent snows) haven't amounted to much, but they've kept the ground soft enough that I was able to yank up some more foxtails today. I'll never get to all of them, though. They're all over the lawns, front and back, and in all the flower beds, too. I'm concentrating on the flower beds. The ones in the lawn will get mowed down anyway.

It looks as though spring is on hold again, at least until Thursday. There'll be another big gas bill next month. Even keeping the house at 66 degrees takes a lot of fuel, but I can't deal with any lower temperature. Aging joints don't like cold. They aren't fond of bending to yank foxtails, either. I'm going to put them under a hot shower for a while.

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