rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Weathered Again

It's supposed to be both hot and partly cloudy tomorrow. That always worries me a bit. That's the sort of weather that can bring lightning storms, and lightning storms will set off fires. There were no local fires this year, so the air was mostly clean except when the night winds brought whiffs of smoke from fires way up in the mountains.

October is still fire season, though, and if something gets started it could hang around until the first heavy rains, which might be long delayed. October fires can actually be more dangerous than those earlier in the year, too, as the brush is dryer and the winds often blow from the north.

Sunday is supposed to be partly cloudy too, but much cooler. By Monday it will be autumn again, though still fairly balmy, and the clouds should be gone. If we get through the weekend without any fires, the rest of the week ought to be pleasant. I might even do the first raking of the season. I don't think the feral cats have ever seen me rake. It will be interesting to see their reaction.

My guess is that Alger will make himself scarce, but Farah's curiosity will get the better of her and she'll stick around to watch. Once she gets past her fear, she'll probably decide to join the fun, and I'll end up having to contend with a kitty leaping onto the piles of leaves and attacking the rake.

The pears I bought last week were so good I've devoured them all, and now I'll be out of pears until Sunday afternoon. A blemish on the weekend! I'll have to make do with the grapes.

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