Though the rain pleased me, it did not please the cats. Portia spent the evening lying in the garage, probably waiting for the dripping to stop so she could make her usual evening patrol of her territory, but she had to come in dissatisfied. She shared with me her displeasure by leaving a smelly dropping in the cat box. The feral cats, on the other hand, merely made unusually annoyed meows at me when I went out to feed them, as though the wetness of everything was all my fault. Sorry, kitties. I guess I just didn't think of your feelings when I ordered early rains.
All Wet
Though the rain pleased me, it did not please the cats. Portia spent the evening lying in the garage, probably waiting for the dripping to stop so she could make her usual evening patrol of her territory, but she had to come in dissatisfied. She shared with me her displeasure by leaving a smelly dropping in the cat box. The feral cats, on the other hand, merely made unusually annoyed meows at me when I went out to feed them, as though the wetness of everything was all my fault. Sorry, kitties. I guess I just didn't think of your feelings when I ordered early rains.
51/51: Sour
My milk went sour on me again. There was about a pint left in the carton, and I was starting to hope it could hold out for most of the upcoming week…
51/50: At Last
I timed things quite badly Thursday, with the consequence that there will be disruptive spillover today. For example, I just finished Thursday dinner…
51/49: Can't Dance
Any memory of going to sleep Wednesday night has been obliterated, but I recall a couple of wakings, the last of which happened sometime after three…
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