rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


The rest of the storm petered out. By afternoon it had become a very nice day, and I'd have cleaned up the leaves the storm left strewn about but they were still too wet. Another afternoon in the sunlight will make them easier to deal with.

Two of the feral kittens spent the night curled up in the chair on my back porch last night, but I haven't seen their litter-mate or their mom since Tuesday. Come to think of it, I haven't seen the gray cat in several days. Maybe they all got picked up by the cat police.

Then a light bulb in the kitchen exploded. Its screw top is still lodged in the fixture. It's the fixture— well, one of two fixtures, actually— that burns bulbs out way too fast. An electrician should have been called about the problem years ago, but the unwise elders never got around to it. If I try taking out the remains of the exploded bulb without turning off the circuit it could still be their problem instead of having become mine. I'm tempted.

Clouds and stars to look at, laundry to do.

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