rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

60 Cycle Humbug

Kitty is bathing itself on my lap. Kitties smell bad when they bathe themselves.

The power went out about six o'clock this morning, and a truck arrived to make lots of noise about seven. Then after making noise for an hour or so it went away. Another truck arrived a few hours later to make even more noise for a longer period of time.

It turns out the transformer on the pole in front of my house went bad and had to be replaced, but first the new transformer had to be fetched from who knows where. That's why there were about four hours of silence between trucks.

The end result of all this is that I got to sleep way late and then got wakened way too early, and the power was off for almost nine hours altogether. All the stuff in the freezer had to be tossed. We are not amused.

Kitties are mostly quiet, though, and don't need to be plugged into a wall socket. I like kitties. The power company can go screw itself into its own socket.

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