rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


There were deer hooves sounding on the pavement a few minutes ago, but again it was too dark to see the clever beasts. They always wait for the waxing moon to set. I'm sure they're up to no good, skulking around in the dark. Devouring all the flowers, no doubt.

I'm debating whether or not to renew the newspaper subscription. Not only is it expensive, but the quality of the delivery service has declined. The paper is never properly wrapped for rain and ends up soaked and unreadable by the time I fetch it from the driveway on rainy days. They also fail to deliver it altogether more frequently now than they used to. On the positive side, it's way thinner than it was a few years ago, so doesn't take up as much space in my room if I let it accumulate for a few days. That's not much of a positive though.

The feral cats now expect me to feed them every time they empty their bowls. They sit on the back porch looking at me through the window. Guilted by felines! How did it come to this?

I didn't get enough sleep again. It probably shows, but I'm too dopey from lack of sleep to be able to tell.

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