There's no sympathy for the black widow I just squashed, though. It took up residence behind a piece of furniture that's too close to the back door a couple of days ago. I didn't want to spray anything in the house, and didn't want to move large objects about, but a few minutes ago I found the spider crawling on the back door, so I seized the opportunity and crushed her with my foot. Any other spider would have gotten a pass from me, and even black widows go unmolested most places outdoors. But venomous arachnids are not welcome inside my house— especially when they're hanging around spots I frequently walk by in the dark. Learn the rules, spiders!
Cirrus clouds all afternoon, and feral cats basking in the yard. Not fighting, just napping, about 50 feet apart. I wonder if they'll end up getting along with each other?
RIP: Yesterday, Patrick McGoohan, today Ricardo Montalban.
I'd say Peter Falk should avoid getting into risky situations tomorrow.