Now I'd go out and watch the moon, but every time I'm out there I smell sandalwood incense. I don't know if I'm having an olfactory hallucination (OMG! brain tumor!) or if one of my neighbors has suddenly turned into a hippie. The problem is that, while I like the smell of sandalwood, the incense gives me a headache. Unless the headache is another symptom of a brain tumor, of course. Anyway, until the smell goes away, I'll only go out briefly. It's television or Internets until then.
Speaking of Internets, see the Laugh-Out_Loud Cats on Adam Koford's bl*g ("Adam Koford" is a pseudonym for a guy whose actual name is Apelad. This is so transparent.) They are also on display at Flickr, where you can read about the real origin of Laugh-Out-Loud Cats. Who knew?
Gray kitty, by the way, is working on his third bowl of food since three o'clock this afternoon. Gray piggy.