rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

More Falling and Not Quite

My chair finally broke. Fortunately it didn't happen while I was in it, but when I picked it up to move it. I was left holding the chair back and the front legs, while the seat and the back legs flopped onto the floor. That was amusing. Anyway, it might be possible to weld the thing back together, but it would probably be easier to pick up a used chair from a thrift shop or yard sale. In the meantime I'm stuck using a heavy wooden dining room chair. Since it has to be lifted over the couch each night to make room for said couch to fold out and become a bed, I'd like to get a lighter replacement chair as soon as possible. Why must I outlive my furniture?

Other than that, nothing remotely exciting happened today. There was more of that perfect, mild autumn weather, and I got visited by the gray cat.

Oh, there was also this photo from the Flickr photostream of Canada's Musée McCord Museum that made me happy and sad.

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