rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


Oh, noes! I've discovered that my updated Firefox displays Live Search splendidly, including the fairly detailed (and surprisingly speedy) bird's eye views. Now guess what happens. Yes! I spend hours faux-flying over all sorts of places I used to know, spying out changes, and the remains of what I remember. Once again the truth is revealed that I wasted way less time on the Internets when I was stuck on sluggish dial-up. I had less fun, too, but the time!

Oh, and today a drifting of clouds and hazing of light sent me waking dreamward, and not all the chatterings of birds and squirrels could prevent my woolgathering ways. Barely autumnal, the day nonetheless made me anticipate hot drinks and the clatter of falling acorns. Three days until the equinox!

  • 51/30: Autumnalish

    Friday I managed to sleep most of the afternoon, and only woke up near sunset. It was almost dark when I went out to the mailbox, which presented me…

  • 51/29: Birds of October

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  • 51/28: A Day About Nothing

    I wasn't expecting anything from Wednesday, and I didn't get anything. Well, except for a Windows update, which took forever. I decided to do the…

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