rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Random Bits

So I decided to water the dessicated front lawn, which I did by hand to save water. The grass is so dry that it crunches when I walk on it. I'm getting tired of the sight and smell of dry brown grass. Hang the drought. The yard smells better wet. It's going to be expensive, though.

Zone Alarm released an update to fix the problem the Microslop update caused, so I installed it and got my firewall back. I'd like an update for my brain, too, but those take lots of time.

I just stumbled across Metrobot, a map-based city guide and search engine. So far I've only looked at a couple of places I'm familiar with, and it's still quite incomplete in its listings for them. It looks like it could be very useful once its listings are more extensive. I have no idea how long it's been around. Here's an article about it at GeoLocal.

Time to go watch the waning moon rise, I think.

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