rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Saturday is for amusement

What could be better than pie?

A wacky WikiAnswer differentiating between chickens and hamsters?

A movie with Egyptians using woolly mammoths to help build the pyramids, 12,000 years ago?

Besotted young Germans (I think) hitting themselves over the head with beer bottles? (might contain German obscenities— Ich spreche kein Deutsch or other non-western-hemispheric languages.)

Stupid games at Joe Cartoon?

Answer: Depends on how much you like pie.

But even to those who adore pie, I certainly recommend the games at Joe Cartoon— especially "War on Christmas"— and don't forget to participate in their Blender Poll 2008! (If you know that Joe Cartoon is the home of Frog in a Blender, then you'll have some idea of what the Blender Poll is all about. Listen to the frog!)

And why am I putzing about on the Internet tonight? Because there's still no rain for me to zone out to! I greatly bemoan my sorry deprivation!

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