All the instructions are on a CD ROM I've yet to examine. I begin to suspect that a virtual can of worms is now opening. Were I to open the can by day, or even too early in the evening, the worms would stand a good chance of being roasted alive in this heat. I intend to wait until the room cools as much as it's likely to cool, which means I'll get around to dealing with it at four or five in the morning. I called the telephone company and refused to press touch-tone buttons and so finally got to complain to somebody alive but probably in India, and now the telephone guy is supposed to be back tomorrow, and I don't want the house to smell of roasted canned worms. That's always so embarrassing.
I hope all the complicated issues surround DSL-ization can be dealt with in a timely manner. I'm tired of sitting and waiting while the Internets come dribbling through that tiny orifice that ordinary dial-up provides. I want to steal BIG files, like everybody else! I'm so nervous I can barely eat my own esophagus with my acid reflux!