rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,


Today was my (now monthly) head yanking day. It went well again. I usually feel pretty good after the head yanking, though the next day sometimes brings a bit of delayed discomfort and soreness. Too bad a head yanking doesn't increase my energy. I'm still in summer slacking mode. I'm also quite sure that somebody is stealing hours from the days. There are definitely fewer of them than there were when I was younger.

Outside this evening I heard (beyond the single cricket) a trilling of cicadas. They must be in the orchard. This being almost August I guess it is time for them to show up. I'm not looking forward to hearing more of them though. I know that their screeching will eventually become so loud that my brain will be utterly devoured by it. Then my journal entries will get even worse. If that's even possible anymore.

In lieu of anything more substantial, a couple of links:

Read about an aerogel which can remove mercury from contaminated water

I'm not sure what to make of Ectomoplasmosis...though it is where I stumbled upon the tender, depression-era tale of Alpha the Robot and Zorine, Queen of the Nudists.

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