rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Heat Grumble

It didn't stay cool for very long. Not only was today much hotter than yesterday, but there were fitful, dry breezes smelling of pine resin. As is usual when the air begins moving on hot dry days, I kept sniffing it for any scent of smoke, since the place is quite capable of bursting into flames just like the forests around South Lake Tahoe. Needless to say, I'd consider a forest fire heading my way to be very disruptive, and would strongly disapprove of its behavior.

Despite the threat of imminent disaster, I was unable to keep my eyes open this evening and ended up taking yet another unintentional nap. Summer here would actually be a pretty good time to hibernate (aside from the likelihood of being caught sleeping when the fire arrived.) Too bad I can't afford to hibernate. I'd be willing to risk the fiery death, just to be oblivious to the heat.

At least the nights are still cooling off decently. I hope this doesn't become one of those summers when even the late hours are sultry. I'll be forced outdoors where I'll be viciously bitten by mosquitoes who will infect me with West Nile Virus (the first dead infected local bird of the year was found recently) which will then kill me. I hate when that sort of thing happens.

House cooled off enough to shower now.

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