rejectomorph (flying_blind) wrote,

Random Stuff

I've seen Robert Altman's Gosford Park several times, and never knew that one of the characters in this fictional tale, Ivor Novello (played by Jeremy Northam), was based on a real person of the same name. How Altmanish!

The rain is gone for now, and the clouds were fewer today. The weekend threatens to be terribly warm. Everything is going to bloom and then get frozen when winter suddenly comes back. It will be just like last year.

Odd how I'm finding it more and more difficult to keep my eyes open in the evenings. My nocturnalism has been shot to hell. Were it not for the tasks I'm obliged to do by night, I think I'd already be on a conventional schedule like just about everybody else in the world. That doesn't mean I'd like it, or that it would be any easier to get used to it, but I'd probably be better rested. As it is, I'm not only missing what has been my normal pattern for most of the last twenty years, but I'm missing a lot of sleep too. Life has gotten terribly weird. In fact, I feel a nap coming on right now.

Shower first.

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